26 January 2009


Food As Medicine

Do you know that your food can act as a medicine when consumed in appropriate:

• Reduce inflammation and pain - Ginger consumption soon.

• headachy? Eat Fish. Ate some fish, especially fish oil is able to prevent headaches.

• Prevent Stroke - drink tea. Tea is able to prevent the formation of fat in the heap arterial wall network through consumption of a number of doses of regular tea (Indeed, the press and keep the appetite increase in body weight. Even green tea is very good for the body's immune system.

• Having Insomnia (Can not Sleep?) - Honey medicine. Use honey always work as a sedative.

• Fever? please drink Yogurt. Consume a number of yogurt before the summer or dry. Also, always drink local honey every day.

• suffering from Asthma? please eat onion. Ate onion help relieve air duct channel bronchial (when I was younger, my mother make a red bag that is laid down over my shoulder, help respiratory problems, and in fact make us breathe better.)

• Nausea? Banana and Ginger. Banana will calm flatulency you. Meanwhile, ginger can cure morning sickness and the feeling of nausea.

• Arthritis suffering? Eat Fish. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardine, in preventing arthritis. (Fish has omega oil, good for the body's immune system).

• Problems dislocated? Eat apple. Bone fracture and osteoporosis can be prevented by the materials found in mangan Apple.

• Bladder urine infection? drinking strawberry juice or Cranberry juice out .Tamarind juice is high in the control destructive bacteria in the body.

• syndrome Coming Months? Cornflake eat. Women can avoid the impact of the coming months cornflake, which can reduce depression, anxiety and feeling numb.

• Problems In Given? please eat shellfish. Shellfish help improve mental function with supply zinc ,which required the body.

• Flu? Eat Garlic. Remember the task of garlic is lowering cholesterol.

• Coughing suffering? The consumption of red chilli. Similar materials were found in the cough medicine was also found the red chili. Use cayenne pepper (Cayenne) with caution - they can irritation your stomach.

• Breast Cancer? eat wheat, and cabbage. All this helps us maintain the level of estrogen a healthful.

• Lung Cancer tuberculosis? Vegetable consumption, bottle green and orange. Bidder is the best medicine beta carotene, a form of vitamin A that is found in dark green and orange.

• Having Diarrhea? Eat apple. scar apples with the skin, let it be to eat chocolate and drug conditions This diarrhea. (Bananas are also good for stomach this disease).

• Blain? Eating cabbage. cabbage contain chemicals that help make healthy good for stomach stomach ulcer, and also in the intestine.

• Arteri choke tube? Eat avocado. Saturated fat is not a single of the avocado capable lower cholesterol.

• High Blood Pressure? eat celery and olive oil. Olive oil has shown itself able to reduce blood pressure. Medium celery contains chemicals capable of lowering blood pressure as well.

• Blood sugar imbalance? Eat broccoli and Beans. Material Chromium in broccoli and bean help manage blood sugar and insulin.

Nutritious Fruits :

• Kiwi: small but wonderful. Fruit is a source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and fiber. Gynecology vitamin C two times more than oranges.

• Apple: an apple a day makes us far from the doctor. Although an apple has a low vitamin C, but apples are antioxidants flavonoid (plant pigment) that enhance the activity vitamin C, so lowering the risk to help affected bowel cancer, heart attack and stroke.

• Strawberry: a fruit protectors. Strawberry has the highest total antioxidants of many kinds of fruit and it protects the body from cancer, free radicals that work stoppage in the blood vessel. In the the fact is good strawberry fruit is good for you. There are antioxidants and fruit we make this ageless. Blue berry fruit (blueberry) is the best fruit and have a very high capability in the world of health. This fruit chase away the free radicals infected our bodies.

• Orange: the sweet medicine. Take 2-4 oranges seharinya, this can dissociate from the flu, lower cholesterol, prevent and dissoluble kidney stones as well as reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

. Melon: salve thirsty most cold. Containing 92% water, is also packed with large doses of the glutathione encourage the body's immune system. Melon is also the key source of lycopene - antioxidants that fight cancer cells. Other nutrients found in the melon is vitamin C and potassium. (Melon also contains natural SPF maintaining the health of our skin, protecting our skin lacing sun radiation).

• Guava and papaya:'s highest award available for this fruit vitamin C . They real winner for the actual vitamin C it. guava also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.

• papaya is rich with karoten, and good for the eyes is also good for digestion and waste water.

• Tomato very well as prevention measures for men, Prostate problems keep them in order not to disrupt health body.

25 January 2009


Optical mouse can cause cancer

"Leisure optical mouse that has side effects that berbahaya.3 years since the launch of the first optical mouse by Microsoft, has found thousands of cases of deviation on the network as a result of the radiation emanated mouse.

Optical mice work with emit high-frequency waves elektromagnetik to the surface underneath. The frequency used is much higher than in the mobile phone. Has been widely known that the hands and feet are the ends of the center-edge nerve body. Radiation that is felt by a hand can be fatal effect on health, because according to the WHO report radiation from the mouse equivalent to 5 times mobile phone radiation.

However radiation to be dangerous because the mouse held continuously by the user computer. The influence of radiation on the mouse feels more products low quality, because the products have a good shield (masks) to protect the wrist.

WHO, Greenpeace, and CNN have stopped the use of optical mouse for all activities in the office, while Microsoft and IBM contribute funds of about 2 billion dollars for the creation of cooperation pointing device is more secure. Hardware industries in china and taiwan attempt cloak this. If observed, mouse, optical mouse that circulating in the market at this time produced by brands that are not popular, the only remaining large industrial production is already stopped sales. " "For that, try holding the mouse only when necessary in the course. Let's try use Hotkey (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V to paste the coffee). Go back using the old mouse model (the ball).

Heart attacks

Not only was the proposed hot water after a meal, but related to heart attack !!!!. The logic ..., there may be truth .. People practice Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea while eating ... not ice water. Perhaps the time has arrived we forge habit drinking hot water / hot while enjoying the meal!.

We will not lose anything ... even will get the benefits of this habit.

Who like to drink water ice, according to this article you read. Indeed tasty and fresh drinking water ice out to eat, but will result in fatal! Despite However, water ice will freeze oily food The new we eat. He will delay the process of our digestion. When this form of fat in the intestine, it will restrict a lot of channels and long run it will cause the fat and we gather more fat and get directions to the various DISEASES. ... Is the best way to drink hot soup or hot or warm water after eating.

important notes about the heart attack!

you need to know that the signs of heart attack will take effect on the left hand. Be careful at the beginning of the pain a little bit at the top of your chest. You probably will not experience pain in the chest attack first heart attack. Fatigue and sweat are the signs in general. about 60% of heart disease does not wake up exhausted sleep. Let us be wary and cautious. The more we know, brighter opportunities we continue to live .